Sunday, 18 March 2007

The white sparrow - A fehér veréb

Finally! I took pictures of the white sparrow. I was watching it all the winter, and now, here it is, hiding in the bush. It was tricky to take the pictures, when I was approaching the bush, all the sparrows moved to the other side of it, as I walked around, they moved forward. So we were going round and round the bush for several times, I was chasing them, they were hiding and laughing at me. It seems that they don't like paparazzi. At the end they flew up to a balcony and then vanished from the sight. But I succeed to catch it twice.

Végre! Sikerült lencsevégre kapnom a fehér verebet. Egész télen lestem, és most, íme, itt van, bújkál a bokorban. Elég nehéz volt lefényképezni, mert ahogy közeledtem a bokorhoz, mind átköltöztek a túlsó oldalára, ha meg körbe mentem, akkor ők is mentek tovább. Így kerülgettük a bokrot néhányszor, én kergettem őket, ők meg bújkáltak és kacagtak rajtam. Úgy látszik nem szeretik a lesifotósokat. Végül felszálltak az erkélyre, majd eltűntek a szemem elől. Azért sikerült kétszer lekapnom.

1 comment:

olahus said...

I am learning hungarian and I think your blog will come in handy for my learning, when my vocabulary will be a bit more developed