Arrive abroad in the morning... - an old saying told us.

If you arrive in Bratislava in a gloomy morning, with apparently endless torrential rains don't expect to find any open Museums, Coffees or Pubs. Before 10 o'clock all are closed! Even so if you are lucky (as I was) you may find one pub with wide open doors, where the chairs are on the tables, but the waiter, while he's cleaning up, kindly serves you a cup of fresh mint-tea with lemon. If you are even more lucky, the rain stops and you can discover Bratislava carelessly.
St. Michael's Gate - Mihály kapu
First thing you do, as an ordinary turist: take an illustrated sightseeing city map from the first Information Office you see. Then locate yourself and the sights you want to see. Then try to find the first place or historical building using the map. At this moment you will have a surprise! The streets are so short that after few steps you have already reached your targeted building! Of course, if you are very lazy, you can have a tour with this funny little car, certainly you will hear lots of interesting facts about the city.

The old town of Bratislava is a tiny beauty, well kept and looked after. Monumental baroque palaces surround small squares, friendly old houses line along the narrow streets, tiny shops and pubs hide in the shadow of the doorways.
The Main square with the Old Town-hall - Főtér, a Régi Városházával

Even if you are alone, you won't feel lonely, as here and there you meet friendly local "people": one salutes you rising his hat, one chats with you if you sit on a bench, an other just shows you the best place to take photos, and one even looks up from the canal-hole... Here they are:
Let's chat... - Beszélgessünk...
The photographer at the corner.... -
Fotós a sarkon
The Bratislava Castle sits enthroned on the top of the hill, several stairways and steep streets lead you to it. From up there there is a splendid view of the Danube with the New Bridge and modern Bratislava, across the river.
Bratislava Castle - Pozsony váraAfter all these walking, you deserve a great lunch! There are several small restaurants in the old town, that serve Slovakian dishes. But I recommend you Restaurácia HRAD, up in the castle, where while you taste traditional sheep cheese noodle or other local specialities, you can also enjoy a beautiful view on the old town.
Other must see places: St. Martin's Cathedral, the coronation church of several Hungarian kings and queens, the Grassalkovich / Presidential Palace, the Archbishop's Palace, the National Theatre and the Hviezdoslavovo... And many - many more, but all very close by, in the old town of Bratislava.

Walking along the lanes you even forget that actually you are in the capital city of Slovakia, as the old town is so relaxing and friendly, with a bit of medieval tone.
Hviezdoslavovo: Chess-players - Sakkozók
The New Bridge - Az Új híd
Cute souvenirs: Straw-dolls -
Aranyos emléktárgyak: szalmababák