All the summer I enjoyed their lovely companion.
First I witnessed their effort to build a neat home, arranging it perfectly in the corner, with the entrance in the inside top of the nest.
Later I observed some tiny fluffy heads looking out from the nest and peeping for food. The little swallows were so sweet, with their little grey fluffy heads, tiny-shiny black eyes and yellow mouths.

The autumn winds and rains damaged their nest and I thought that they won't come back to live in it anymore.
But few days ago they appeared again. They inspected the nest and noticed the hole on its side. After a rainy day, they found enough mud and started to renovate their home.

Tavaly tavasszal egy fecskepár fészket épített az ablakom sarkába. Egész nyáron élveztem az aranyos társaságukat.
Először megfigyelhettem, ahogy gondosan megépítik a fészküket, ügyesen elhelyezve a sarokba, befele nyíló bejárattal.

Ősszel a szél meg az eső megrongálta a fészket és azt hittem, hogy már nem is fognak bele visszaköltözni.